Animal of the day – 03/14/2014 – The Gibbon

The animal of the day is the Gibbon. (Did you know: The mating couples of gibbons sing a duet in the mornings to mark their territory! Technically they’re apes (even more technically they are called lesser apes[how rude]) because they’re much smaller than other apes and are alot more like monkey’s in many of ways.

white_cheeked_gibbon_by_micwits101-d2xinkyThey’re gangly on the ground, but in the trees they almost fly!

The gibbons’ ball-and-socket joints allow them unmatched speed and accuracy when swinging through trees. Nonetheless, their mode of transportation can lead to hazards when a branch breaks or a hand slips, and researchers estimate that the majority of gibbons suffer bone fractures one or more times during their lifetimes.They are the fastest and most agile of all tree-dwelling, non-flying mammals.

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