Food Web of the week!

Food web from 08/02/2010 to 08/07/2010

Animal of the day – 8/07/2010 – The Leopard

Leopard in a tree

The animal of the day is the Leopard. (Did you know: No other cat can climb as well as the leopard. AND the leopard can climb trees while carrying a 100 pound carcass. That’s pretty bad-ass. Panthers are actually leopards that have all black fur, and they actually have a slight rosette pattern in their fur, see picture below. Leopards are the smallest member of the Panthera genus, the other members being the lion, the tiger and the jaguar. I was trying to find an animal that could possible eat Martial Eagle, and this is the closest I could get. I guess since leopards can climb so well, they may be able to attack a Martial Eagle in it’s nest.)

A Panther is just a name for an all black leopard or jaguar. In this picture, you can even see the old leopard spots in the black fur!