Animal of the day – 3/24/2024 – The Picasso Bug

The animal of the day is the Picasso Bug. (Did you know: This is the only insect I’ve ever wanted to lick.

DO NOT LICK! When threatened they emit a foul odor.

Why I love AI

What computers generate is getting amazing, and I love it

The search was for ‘A black magician in a computer lab full of angels and butterflies.’

The third picture contains no magicians, computers, angels, or butterflies. Cute lady in a castle though.

Asking for a friend…

What’s the optimal oven temperature to destroy all the data on a laptop but not make the batteries explode?

Say what you want about AI… but


We Go Blue!!

I want a new old watch


My thoughts on smart watches.

I stopped wearing a smartwatch when I decided I needed to know what time it is. At. any time.

The marvel that is a smartwatch quickly fades from being Dick Tracy, to being one more thing that distracts me, yet, when I need it most…It ain’t there.

And here chimes in my old Casio watch: Tells the time all the time.

Doesn’t let me know when I get an e-mail, and it can’t tell me how to get to the closest fried chicken joint. (Or give me directions along the way).

But it tells time. While I’m asleep, I wake up, turn over, hit the little light button, and there’s the time. Time and time again, reliably for a couple years without recharge.

During a work meeting, I can see the time without having to flick my wrist or blatantly lift my watch and appear a tiny bit rude.

Ain’t that dope?! My watch tells me the time. All the time.

Watch me!

Side note: I do wear a smart watch on my other hand occasionally for adventures and what not, but using it is a treat.

Movie Review – The Flash – 6/16/2023

The most enjoyable single superhero movie since Ironman. It really tugs at the 90’s heartstrings with the new take on the multiverse. Throw in music from Tim Burton’s original Batman and it’s hard not to love this movie if you grew up on DC heroes.

Go see it!

Animal of the day – 5/22/2023 – The Pesquet’s Parrot

The animal of the day is the Pesquet’s Parrot. (Did you know: Did bird is also known as the Dracula Parrot due to it’s distinctive coloration. Pretty Bird!

If you notice, it’s head and head feathers look almost vulture-like. This is a bit of convergent evolution. Vultures have bald heads and few feathers since they spend so much time with their heads neck deep in blood and guts.

The parrots have this look because they eat lots of sticky juicy fruits, and this stops the juice from messing up their head feathers.

Birds I would like to eat, but can’t.

Two penguins Gentoo (Pygoscelis papua).

Drumsticks would be amazing

The Community Movie – Requests

Community – Season 3 – Nordic Retail DVD

Making a list of things I want in the Community movie.

1. Professor Duncan
2. Annies boobs (the monkey)
3. Annies boobs (the boobs)
4. Troy back from sailing
5. Starburns
6. Ass-crack bandit
7. Paintball

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